File System Functions In php
basename -- Returns filename component of path ..
chgrp -- Changes file group ..
chmod -- Changes file mode.
chown -- Changes file owner .
clearstatcache -- Clears file status cache .
copy -- Copies file .
delete -- See unlink() or unset() .
dirname -- Returns directory name component of path .
disk_free_space -- Returns available space in directory .
disk_total_space -- Returns the total size of a directory .
diskfreespace -- Alias of disk_free_space() .
fclose -- Closes an open file pointer.
feof -- Tests for end-of-file on a file pointer.
fflush -- Flushes the output to a file .
fgetc -- Gets character from file pointer.
fgetcsv -- Gets line from file pointer and parse for CSV fields.
fgets -- Gets line from file pointer.
fgetss -- Gets line from file pointer and strip HTML tags.
file_exists -- Checks whether a file or directory exists.
file_get_contents -- Reads entire file into a string.
file_put_contents -- Write a string to a file .
file -- Reads entire file into an array .
fileatime -- Gets last access time of file .
filectime -- Gets inode change time of file.
filegroup -- Gets file group.
fileinode -- Gets file inode.
filemtime -- Gets file modification time .
fileowner -- Gets file owner.
fileperms -- Gets file permissions.
filesize -- Gets file size.
filetype -- Gets file type.
flock -- Portable advisory file locking .
fnmatch -- Match filename against a pattern.
fopen -- Opens file or URL.
fpassthru -- Output all remaining data on a file pointer.
fputcsv -- Format line as CSV and write to file pointer.
fputs -- Alias of fwrite().
fread -- Binary-safe file read.
fscanf -- Parses input from a file according to a format.
fseek -- Seeks on a file pointer .
fstat -- Gets information about a file using an open file pointer.
ftell -- Tells file pointer read/write position .
ftruncate -- Truncates a file to a given length .
fwrite -- Binary-safe file write .
glob -- Find pathnames matching a pattern.
is_dir -- Tells whether the filename is a directory.
is_executable -- Tells whether the filename is executable.
is_file -- Tells whether the filename is a regular file.
is_link -- Tells whether the filename is a symbolic link .
is_readable -- Tells whether the filename is readable.
is_uploaded_file -- Tells whether the file was uploaded via HTTP POST.
is_writable -- Tells whether the filename is writable.
is_writeable -- Alias of is_writable().
lchgrp -- Changes group ownership of symlink.
lchown -- Changes user ownership of symlink.
link -- Create a hard link.
linkinfo -- Gets information about a link.
lstat -- Gives information about a file or symbolic link.
mkdir -- Makes directory .
move_uploaded_file -- Moves an uploaded file to a new location .
parse_ini_file -- Parse a configuration file.
pathinfo -- Returns information about a file path .
pclose -- Closes process file pointer .
popen -- Opens process file pointer.
readfile -- Outputs a file.
readlink -- Returns the target of a symbolic link .
realpath -- Returns canonicalized absolute pathname.
rename -- Renames a file or directory .
rewind -- Rewind the position of a file pointer .
rmdir -- Removes directory .
set_file_buffer -- Alias of stream_set_write_buffer().
stat -- Gives information about a file .
symlink -- Creates a symbolic link .
tempnam -- Create file with unique file name.
tmpfile -- Creates a temporary file .
touch -- Sets access and modification time of file.
umask -- Changes the current umask .
unlink -- Deletes a file.
chgrp -- Changes file group ..
chmod -- Changes file mode.
chown -- Changes file owner .
clearstatcache -- Clears file status cache .
copy -- Copies file .
delete -- See unlink() or unset() .
dirname -- Returns directory name component of path .
disk_free_space -- Returns available space in directory .
disk_total_space -- Returns the total size of a directory .
diskfreespace -- Alias of disk_free_space() .
fclose -- Closes an open file pointer.
feof -- Tests for end-of-file on a file pointer.
fflush -- Flushes the output to a file .
fgetc -- Gets character from file pointer.
fgetcsv -- Gets line from file pointer and parse for CSV fields.
fgets -- Gets line from file pointer.
fgetss -- Gets line from file pointer and strip HTML tags.
file_exists -- Checks whether a file or directory exists.
file_get_contents -- Reads entire file into a string.
file_put_contents -- Write a string to a file .
file -- Reads entire file into an array .
fileatime -- Gets last access time of file .
filectime -- Gets inode change time of file.
filegroup -- Gets file group.
fileinode -- Gets file inode.
filemtime -- Gets file modification time .
fileowner -- Gets file owner.
fileperms -- Gets file permissions.
filesize -- Gets file size.
filetype -- Gets file type.
flock -- Portable advisory file locking .
fnmatch -- Match filename against a pattern.
fopen -- Opens file or URL.
fpassthru -- Output all remaining data on a file pointer.
fputcsv -- Format line as CSV and write to file pointer.
fputs -- Alias of fwrite().
fread -- Binary-safe file read.
fscanf -- Parses input from a file according to a format.
fseek -- Seeks on a file pointer .
fstat -- Gets information about a file using an open file pointer.
ftell -- Tells file pointer read/write position .
ftruncate -- Truncates a file to a given length .
fwrite -- Binary-safe file write .
glob -- Find pathnames matching a pattern.
is_dir -- Tells whether the filename is a directory.
is_executable -- Tells whether the filename is executable.
is_file -- Tells whether the filename is a regular file.
is_link -- Tells whether the filename is a symbolic link .
is_readable -- Tells whether the filename is readable.
is_uploaded_file -- Tells whether the file was uploaded via HTTP POST.
is_writable -- Tells whether the filename is writable.
is_writeable -- Alias of is_writable().
lchgrp -- Changes group ownership of symlink.
lchown -- Changes user ownership of symlink.
link -- Create a hard link.
linkinfo -- Gets information about a link.
lstat -- Gives information about a file or symbolic link.
mkdir -- Makes directory .
move_uploaded_file -- Moves an uploaded file to a new location .
parse_ini_file -- Parse a configuration file.
pathinfo -- Returns information about a file path .
pclose -- Closes process file pointer .
popen -- Opens process file pointer.
readfile -- Outputs a file.
readlink -- Returns the target of a symbolic link .
realpath -- Returns canonicalized absolute pathname.
rename -- Renames a file or directory .
rewind -- Rewind the position of a file pointer .
rmdir -- Removes directory .
set_file_buffer -- Alias of stream_set_write_buffer().
stat -- Gives information about a file .
symlink -- Creates a symbolic link .
tempnam -- Create file with unique file name.
tmpfile -- Creates a temporary file .
touch -- Sets access and modification time of file.
umask -- Changes the current umask .
unlink -- Deletes a file.
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